Flexalon Copilot Test Flight
Flexalon Copilot Logo
Aug 30, 2023
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Hello Makers,

Welcome to the first Flexalon Copilot Test Flight. Every so often, we need to try generating something new to see how Copilot performs.

Today, we generate a quest panel from scratch and refine it. After the test, we'll break down how Copilot performed.

Flight Report

In our testing, Copilot performs more reliably with longer detailed prompts. Here, we make sure to tell Copilot what we're expecting to see:

Create a panel for a quest. It should be centered on the screen and have sections for the title, an image, a description, and a reward. Label the sections.

A good start! Copilot understood that it needs to create a new panel and correctly positioned it in the center of the screen. 'Panel' is one of the prefab types users can define in a Prefab Set for Copilot to instantiate.

Next, we need to see if Copilot can insert some images and text.

Use this image.

We can tell Copilot which image to use either by selecting it or adding it to the "Prompt Context" section of the chat window.

the quest title is "Disturbance at Lake Elad" Make up a description.

And the result...

Pretty good, but we have our first bit of turbulence to sort out. Copilot left in the section headers and made the quest title smaller than those headers. Let's see if it can fix that.

remove the headers for title, image, and description.
add these icons as quest rewards for 100 coins, and the Sword of Magic.
Make the title bigger and bold.
Center the reward text.

Sometimes the request is too ambiguous and Copilot guesses wrong. In this case, it centered the text of each quest reward, rather than the "Reward" title. We could undo (Ctrl-Z) Copilot's changes and try a more specific prompt. Or, we can use the history of the conversation to tell Copilot what we meant.

sorry, I meant the reward section title text.

If you look closely, you'll notice the rewards are not aligned with each other. This is a mistake we couldn't get Copilot to correct, until we dug in to find the issue. Copilot added a margin to the top of the sword reward, thinking the rewards were stacked vertically.

Looks like we still have work to do. In the meanwhile, we can spend 5 minutes manually adjusting the rewards section to look a bit nicer.

That's all for today! Be sure to join us on Discord to tell us what we should try in the next Test Flight.

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