Happy New Year! As we look forward to another year of making, let's take a minute to reflect.
Get 50%-60% off on Buildalon, Flexalon, and Proxima for the 2024 holiday season!
Learn how unit testing can your Unity code quality and guard your project against regressions.
Learn how to use GitHub Actions to automate building, testing, and deploying Unity apps...
Git is actually easy to learn if you start from the fundamentals. In this guide, we'll begin...
A simplified setup, new documentation, and support for building visionOS, iOS, macOS, and UWP projects!
Buildalon has officially become a GitHub Verified Publisher! Now it's easier than ever to automate building your Unity projects.
Introducing Buildalon Auto Start — the fastest and easiest way to begin automating your Unity builds.
This quality of life update fixes several issues and adds the much requested feature: Skip Inactive Objects
This new updates lets you inspect and edit Materials and Scriptable Objects which are attached to your components!
We're thrilled to finally unveil Buildalon, our new automation solution for Unity!
Virtual Maker is offering a free 30-minute session to teach you how to use GitHub actions to build, test, and deploy Unity apps!
Sometimes, you’ll need to see retrieve logs after your users have hit an issue to figure...
Sometimes you need to see Unity logs from a built game to debug issues as they happen...
We released som new Flexalon XR examples on GitHub for XR Interaction Toolkit and Meta...
Generate stunning HDRI lighting, skyboxes, and 3D world meshes in seconds in a full GUI...
Virtual Maker is now offering development services! The team has grown from one to...
The Copilot chat window has received an overhaul, making it more intuitive to use...
This update brings many fixes and improvements based on your feedback...
New min and max properties let you constrain how big Flexalon Objects and layouts can get...
A new Proxima update has been released on the asset store, which includes a few new...
Welcome to the first Flexalon Copilot Test Flight. Every so often, we need to try...
We've been conducting regular flight tests to get Flexalon Copilot ready for early access...
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